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What Is House Church at GBCWNC?

  1. People who are devoted to worshiping Jesus and learning His Word.

  2. We plan time daily to be alone for prayer and Bible reading.

  3. We don’t require gifted communicators or musicians; instead, our focus is Bible study and worship of Jesus in the most basic setting ... someone's home.

  4. It is the Object of worship (Jesus) that makes worship exciting to us.

  5. Many people go to church on Sunday morning to be “fed” by someone preaching to the audience. When we gather as a church, Jesus is the audience and we participate in worshipping Him through Bible study and discussion led by the pastor.

  6. House Church is SIMPLE intentionally. In 1 Corinthians 2 Paul states that he intentionally held back from using “eloquence”, “human wisdom”, and “wise and persuasive words.” He didn’t want their experience with Jesus to be built on anything other than the power of the gospel message of Jesus.

  7. We intentionally don't try to draw people in with anything other than Jesus. There is no impressive service. The church isn’t built around or centered on a well-known human leader (pastor). The main thing you get in joining GBCWNC is Jesus and belonging to a community of believers He has formed.


of Western North Carolina

© 2016 by Grace Bible Church of Western North Carolina

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